Library day in the life - 5 - Day 2

Here goes day 2! Tuesday is generally my first day of the week physically at work, which generally means that I have lots of meetings. Thankfully i did not have an immediate morning meeting.


Morning soundtrack: Software Freedom Law Center - Episode 0x2C: Eben on Software Liability, Adult. - Resuscitation

Spent the entire morning working on more merges and trying to hunt down some expected deliverable item from a vendor. Getting close to being complete with all of the merges. Once it is complete, Apache SOLR will be all the more happy, as will I. We’ll have some very nice facets setup for our new SOLR powered search on digital collections.

Our dynamic duo of programmers both came through on interesting developments this morning as well. Debbie finished our retroactive date conversions. Lots of regular expressions!!! We were able to convert 10600 records to machine readable date ranges. Absolutely fantastic for SOLR faceting, sorting, and all the other fun stuff you can do with actual machine readable date data!!! Matt continued hacking away at the Dublin Core XML module. He even managed to create a singularity this morning; something that not even user 1 can access. ACCESS DENIED!

Lunch time brought about a union meeting. Hooray for MUALA!!!


Afternoon soundtrack: Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett, GZA/Genius - Liquid Swords

ARL-ACRL webinar entitled, “Transitioning from Subscriptions to Open Access: Article Processing Fees and Combined Licensing/Author’s Rights Approaches.” Pretty good, but at the same time preaching to the choir.

Pulled some quotes together for equipment for a potential grant. Fingers crossed!!!

Published another 100 or so open access theses and dissertations, and ran some batch conversions on some images. I <3 mogrify.

mogrify -format jpg *.tif

Hopefully tomorrow I can get back to some wretched coding and finish up a couple of outstanding items. Aphoristical.

Nick Ruest
Associate Librarian
