Why you should attend Digital Odyssey 2012!

 I am really excited about this year's Digital Odyssey, and I want you to be too. Our theme this year is Liberation Technology. I know it might not be quite obvious why we picked this theme, but hopefully it will make some sense in a  few sentences.


Why Liberation Technology? I along with the OLITA Council are passionate about social justice issues, and find the intersection of technology and social justice intriguing - even more so when throw library land into that intersection. We felt that with the many social justice issues intersecting with technology making headlines like the Arab Spring, Anonymous, and the Occupy movement, that focusing specifically on liberation technology would make a timely topic for this year’s Digital Odyssey. We have defined liberation technology as, "... a field of study [that] seeks to understand how information technology can be used to pursue a variety of social goods. This includes any technology that enables citizens to express opinions, deepen participation in society, and expand their freedoms." 


We have a wonderful and passionate keynote speaker, Kate Milberry, who will be opening up and setting the tone for the day giving a talk entitled, "The Knowledge Factory Hack: From Open Access to Anonymous ...or why information wants to be free."


Following the keynote, we have an amazing day of great speakers lined up, and you should totally come!


Regular format talks:

  • Fiacre O’Duinn - Inside the Black Box: Hacker culture, librarians and hardwareJutta Treviranus - Outside-In
  • MJ Suhonos - Open Data is dead!  Long live Open Data!
  • Jutta Treviranus - Outside-In
  • Sarah Wiebe and Shelley Archibald - A TORid Affair: Librarians, Ethics & Liberation Technology.
  • Carys Craig - Encouraging Creativity or Diminishing Dialogue? A Critical Account of Digital Copyright in Canada

Thunder talks:

  • Hannah Turner - Indigenous Knowledge
  • Michelle Thomson - The People’s Library
  • Rebecka Sheffield - Citizen Archivists: Transcribing History for Future Generations
  • Maggie Reid - A balanced look at Copyright Reform?


Nick Ruest
Associate Librarian
