
Proper documentation... elseif statements

Day Two: Morning: Email, email, email, email. Taught dad how to use Google Docs, and Google Groups. Spent the rest of the morning reading through the handbooks of the MUFA Librarians, MUFA, and University of Ottawa regarding the policies on Academic Freedom and Grievances so that maybe one day we can have sane policies. Afternoon: Email, email, email, email. More consulting on journals in our IR. Working with Text Technology to get all of their back issues digitized.

Memes, Smemes, Email, SQL, and Galleries

Library Day in the Life - meme validation below Theme of the day was SQL queries. Morning: Email, email, email, email. Cleaned up some more raunchy code in a effort to make the theme migration to Drupal 6 less hectic. Lots of SQL queries to un-hack code, and write said code in a standardized fashion. Note to self, do not ever hire immature developers. Continued to work with Bepress on setting up a couple new journals.